Jennifer graduated from the Rochester School of Practical Nursing in 1993 as an LPN and has worked in several different capacities including skilled nursing and community health. She attended the Continental School of Beauty in 2000 and studied aesthetics, after which she joined the team at Q Medical Spa in 2001. Here she has been able to combine her medical experience with aesthetic training as a Licensed Esthetician and skin care specialist. She is experienced in pre/post-operative care and makeup application for surgical patients. She performs corrective skin care treatments such as Microdermabrasion and Vibradermabrasion. Jennifer is also proficient in advanced skin care treatments including Micro-needling and Photo-rejuvenation/IPL (Intense Pulse Light) therapy. Clients frequently request Jennifer for her extensive experience and commitment to providing superior results for them. With health and wellness as a passion, Jennifer is continuing to further her nursing education.