April is Rosacea Awareness Month

April is Rosacea Awareness Month

rosacea treatment

-by Nicole Hull, LE

Hey! Nicole here! With the cold, harsh winter months finally behind us, it’s time to spring forward and re-evaluate our skin care routines! April is National Rosacea Awareness Month, and dealing with this condition myself, I’m always on the hunt for products and ingredients that will keep my skin cool, calm, and collected.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory condition, that currently affects 16 million Americans a year. It results in a breakdown of the functionality and permeability of your barrier function, which can lead to intense flushing and/or broken capillaries, typically in the central third of the face. What is your barrier function, you ask? It is the outermost layer of your epidermis, a.k.a. what is visible when others are staring at your beautiful face. Think of your barrier as your first line of defense. Your fort. When working properly, it can support a healthy protection against all the evils in the environment that contribute to the breakdown of your skin. Internal triggers such as diet, medications, and stress can also be maddening culprits. The list is long and different for every patient. Unfortunately, there is no cure for rosacea, so managing your symptoms comes down to a healthy skin care routine, combined with some of the services offered here at Q Med Spa. Below are products and services that continue to keep my angry skin happy!

What Products Can Help Rosacea?

Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream

Epionce Lytic Retexturizing Lotion

PCA Vitamin B3

PCA HA Boosting Serum

PCA Dual Action Redness Relief

Which Treatments Can Help Rosacea?

Chemical Peels


BBL Therapy

For more information on how to manage your own rosacea symptoms, or to schedule an appointment, contact our Spa Coordinators at 585.244.1010!

One Response to April is Rosacea Awareness Month

  • Bared Monkey Laser Spa says:

    The information you shared about a healthy skincare routine in this blog is really helpful. Thanks for sharing such an informative blog.

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