Are You Taking Care of This Often Forgotten Area of Skin?
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Are You Taking Care of This Often Forgotten Area of Skin?

older woman with bare decolletage

We usually take great care of the skin on our faces to ensure we age gracefully. However, there’s one area that often gets overlooked but is just as important in maintaining a youthful appearance – the décolletage. This area, comprised of the neck and chest, is often neglected when following a skincare routine, but is frequently exposed to the sun and environmental stressors, making it susceptible to premature aging.

Why Is Caring for the Skin of the Décolletage Important?

The skin on your décolletage is thinner and more delicate than the skin on other parts of your body, which makes it more susceptible to fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. It is also an area that tends to show signs of aging earlier, as it has fewer oil glands and less collagen and elastin than your face. Sun exposure leads to sunspots, pigmentation, and premature aging, while clothing friction can lead to irritation and the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, taking proper care of your décolletage is essential for maintaining a youthful appearance.

Prevent and Treat Aging to the Décolletage

There are a variety of options available to prevent aging to this area, as well as to treat any aging and damage that has already occurred. The following care can be done at home and started immediately:

  • Sun Protection: Just like your face, the décolletage needs protection from harmful UV rays. Make sure to apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even when it’s cloudy. Wearing clothing with UV protection or scarves can also help shield this area from the sun.
  • Hydration: Moisturize your décolletage regularly. Our skin care experts can guide you to the best moisturizes with ingredients to keep the skin hydrated and plump.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and staying hydrated can work wonders for your skin. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate the aging process, so consider quitting or reducing these habits.
  • Sleeping Position: Try to sleep on your back to minimize wrinkles and creases that can occur from pressing your décolletage against a pillow.

The next step is to learn more about specific products and treatments available at our medical spa:

  • Nectifirm: Since the neck ages differently than the skin on the face, it’s important to have a cream specifically for this area. This product from Revision Skincare can be used for prevention and early to moderate signs of aging on the neck and décolletage by lessening the look of fine lines and wrinkles and reducing the appearance of rough, crepey skin.
  • Peels: Customized corrective treatments such as chemical peels can reduce the depth of surface lines, smooth out skin texture, and help fade brown spots by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells to allow vibrant skin to emerge.
  • IPL: Photorejuvenation, or Intense Pulsed Light, can address age spots, fine lines, redness, and irregular pigmentation on the chest. Pulses of light energy is absorbed by excess pigment in freckles, brown spots, and redness which destroys and flushes it out of the body. It also stimulates collagen production in the skin to smooth fine wrinkles and improve skin tone.
  • Ultherapy: This procedure uses ultrasound technology to target the deep foundational layer of tissue that is addressed with surgery. While this does not replace surgery, it can tighten and firm loose skin in the neck and décolletage area with no downtime. The skin responds to the delivery of energy by stimulating the growth of new collagen, which results in a gradual, natural tightening and firming.

Your décolletage is a beautiful and important part of your body, and with the right care, you can keep it looking youthful and radiant for years to come. By following a skincare routine that includes sun protection, hydration, and anti-aging ingredients, and by utilizing treatments available for this area, you can ensure that your décolletage remains a source of confidence and beauty.

Don’t let your neck or chest give your age away! To learn more about any of the treatments or products mentioned, call 585.244.1010 or request a consultation.

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